Case Studies

Pregnancy in a case of low AMH!

Couple History

  • Mrs. ST and Mr. KT , aged 33 and 34 years respectively, presented to with secondary infertility for 4 years. Couple had tried one ICSI cycle outside and had only one blastocyst formed. It resulted in positive beta HCG but it was a missed abortion at 8 weeks.


  • AMH- 0.79ng/ml
  • Semen Analysis: normal.

Impression: Low Ovarian Reserve

  • Options of self ICSI and donor egg cycle were discussed with couple in view of low AMH and previous ovarian response in IVF cycle and outcome. Couple opted for self ICSI cycle.

IVF cycle

  • During ovum pick up, six oocytes were retrieved of which four were mature. All four eggs got fertilised after ICSI and on day 2 all four embryos were transferred.

Positive Outcome

  • Beta HCG done 15 days later showed positive value which doubled well. Scan at six weeks showed twin live pregnancy. Mrs.ST delivered a healthy boy and a girl at term.