Communication Skills Training For Doctors

“Susanwaad Abhiyaan” for a good Doctor-Patient Relationship

A good doctor-patient relationship is the focus of a quality healthcare service. A doctor needs to have good medical knowledge and skills, but at the same time be a good human being so that the patient can have trust in the treatment offered. The current medical education has heavily focused on giving good medical knowledge. Some importance has been given to learning practical skills, but very little has been done to develop the attitude and communication.

Over the years, the medical students lost their focus on providing holistic healthcare. As undergraduate students, interns and as junior resident doctors, they have been very busy and the stressful lifestyle was not conducive to developing sensitivity towards their patients. Excessive workload, lack of adequate rest, improper eating habits and lack of time due to patient workload made it impossible to learn communication skills without any formal training. The communication skills are not currently in the syllabus and hence there is no desperate need for the trainee doctors to acquire these skills. Some doctors face language barrier making their job much more difficult.

Most patients coming to the government setup are not very demanding and may accept the minimal communication as long as they get their required treatment, but the scenario is very different in the private setup. In recent times, the access to information has become very easy. The patients come to a doctor with a lot of knowledge. They are able to verify the treatment process undertaken by the doctors and are prepared to question the doctor. If there is a lack of proper communication, the trust is missing and this leads to a lot of misunderstanding. These situations have got out of hand and even violence took place against some doctors. The actual physical attacks is just the tip of the iceberg. The real problem is the growing unhappiness and mistrust amongst the patients against the doctors and the healthcare services. Even if violent attacks stop, litigation will continue to rise. The aim should be to develop trust and respect and avoid violence and litigation. Patients want doctors who treat them using their medical knowledge and skills as well as communicate with them effectively.





The Origin Foundation is a fulfillment of the dream of Dr Sandeep Mane. He believes that the ultimate happiness lies in donating to the society. This can be in any form, money, knowledge, skills, experience and so on. Each person has something to contribute in the society. Most people are unable to understand this and continue to accumulate wealth till they die.

The Origin Foundation aims to focus on the main areas of health, education and art. The Origin International Fertility Center has been doing work for womens health over the years. It has worked closely with the Rotary Club of Thane Lake City to organize various health events. The centre has also offered training programmes for the trainees in the field of medicine. Medical education and communication skills training for young resident doctors can equip them with ability to communicate well with patients and improve the doctor patient relationship.


  • To establish an effective patient friendly health care service for the future, by improving Doctor-Patient relationship.
  • Communication and clinical skills training by the Foundation will help to achieve improved care to the patients.


  • To impart positive influence on children in order to raise good citizens of the future.
  • Empowering teachers and helping parents to work together to raise useful citizen for the country.


  • To establish a culture of donation so that the poor and the needy can benefit.
  • An international drive for donation can go a long way in correcting the social imbalance, bringing peace and happiness for all. Art in various forms has the power to make this happen.

“Susanwaad Abhiyaan” A statewide movement to offer free communication skills training to junior resident doctors across Maharashtra to help them in improving doctor patient relation was held at Sir J J Hospital on 17th June.Over 200 doctors came for this training, which involved enactments to simulate real life scenarios. The doctors gave a very positive feedback. This was jointly organised by the Medical Education Dept of the Government of Maharashtra and the Origin Foundation. Honorable Minister Shri Girish Mahajan supported Dr Sandeep Mane, Chief Trustee, Origin Foundation, in offering free training to all resident doctors across the state of Maharashtra.

Free Fertility Camps Across Maharashtra

The Doctor becomes a trustee – President, The Origin Foundation. Time to thank everyone by giving back. Guiding youngsters, Training doctors, Serving the patient and giving back to the society. Origin Foundation needs the support, guidance and blessings from all to succeed in giving.